Friday, May 22, 2009

My "victim" for next year:

I've finally managed to persuade Nevena to join the group.
She's heard so much about the fabulous stuff we've learnt that she's just raring to go!(Sucker! Little does she know....)

Final thoughts:

What a roller coaster ride this has been for me: loved it-hated it, loved it-hated it. It’s reconfirmed for me what I’ve always known about myself as a learner – I want it all and I want it NOW!!! And the sad fact is that some (?) learning takes time and I’m one of the most impatient people I know. I’m so glad I took this on because I’ve learned tons - having known nothing to start out with. Ignorance is perhaps not such a bad thing – makes you feel good when you DO learn something.. Actually I’ve only just dipped my big toe into the ocean out there and I know I’d have drowned without your guidance. Thanks Jennie – and everybody else who helped me (and you all know who you are) – for dealing very patiently with my pissed-off-edness and my foul language. (This is the point where Oscar winners start thanking God, Jesus and their Moms… and shed a few tears. I guess I do feel like a winner having made it through the course). Concerning the content and assignments you chose to teach us and how you paced us through them - that suited me perfectly. I’m glad you dished them out a bit at a time, because I would’ve been totally overwhelmed if I’d seen the whole list at once and had to plod through it in my own sweet time and pace. I haven’t yet found a victim for next year – they’ve all been taken, but if need be, I’ll nominate myself to do this all over again. Thanks again, Jennie, for opening up new vistas and ways of communicating. Where’s that beer you promised?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Comments for UCaPP and the 4Cs:

I think I'll have to listen to this presentation several times to be able to process and comment on it all. But I LOVED it. Federman has reconfirmed everything I'd been thinking about education, its role in society and the way we go about "doing" it. The connectivity of today has to effect changes in everything we do, the ways we do it, and how we think. However, I'm afraid the structures of society and powers of authority are so well established in their cosy set-ups that it will take a long time to see real change happening. Overcoming the current dichotomy between the traditional, established educational systems and the possibilities offered by the connectivity of today's world needs to be a priority in schools today.
To hear people talking about the 4 Cs - connections, context, complexity and connotation is music to my ears. That's what it's all about. My idea of teaching, education, languages, culture - has always been about the 4Cs. The development of all these IT tools is wonderful in terms of enabling them to become ubiquitous. The world is changing at such a fast pace, we need to keep up with the kids and the times.
CC #1


cc #3

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Following on Google Reader:
Salon Books
Paper Cuts
London Review of Books

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My new Delicious username is visnjaplecas1